A Commercial And Residential Pleasant Grove Electrician You Can Rely On

Pleasant Grove, AL

From the first moment as a child you get a shock by accidentally doing something silly, you quickly realize the power of electricity. As an adult though, some people still make erroneous choices about your own electrical wiring - who to hire as a Pleasant Grove electrician or whether you should DIY the work.

Yet savvy home and business owners know the right choice to make is to call on Dr. Electric. We go above and beyond to provide our clients with the service they need and the results that they deserve.

Your Trusted Pleasant Grove Electrical Repair Experts

Just about every type of electrical repair should be considered potentially hazardous. Here are a few examples of common problems, and probably something you have going on right now!

  • Dimming or Flickering Lights - This often gets ignored, even though it is a big red flag. This is usually a sign of a poor connection which can eventually lead to arcing, then sparking and then a fire.
  • Breakers That Frequently Trip - A breaker may occasionally trip. However, when it becomes a repeat problem, it is time to have it looked at. This happens a lot with outdated panels trying to keep up with modern day demand for electrical supply.
  • Frequently Burned Out Bulbs - This is especially alarming for recessed lights because nearby insulation could be the culprit. That, unfortunately, sets up the perfect conditions for a fire.

The Professional & Reliable Electrical Experts Dr. Electric

Top Rate Pleasant Grove Residential and Commercial Electrical Services

What matters the most is that you rely on a dependable electrician to handle the job for you. The work we do promotes safety, as well provides you with the comforts and conveniences you deserve.

Dr. Electric CTA

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